InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...
.NET Framework 3.5 menambahkan dukungan untuk Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Perjanjian Kunci dengan tiga rutinitas Key Derivation Function (KDF) yang berbeda. Input ke rutinitas, dan rutinitas itu sendiri, dikonfigurasi melalui properti pada ECDiffieHellmanCng objek. Tetapi karena tidak setiap rutin...
(string key); } public class BigCache : ICache { public object Get(string key) => $"Resolving {key} from big cache."; } public class SmallCache : ICache { public object Get(string key) => $"Resolving {key} from small cache."; } [ApiController] [Route("/cache")] public class...
InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...