….”]youmustrecordexactlywhereeachideacamefrom.Thisiscalled“documenting”or“recording”yoursources.4 APAStyle TwostepstoDocumentingSources: In-textcitations…––i.e.written‘in’thetextofyouressay[Smith,2007..]“citation”meansquoteorreference; Completelistofreferencesattheendofyouressay.
In-Text Citations: Author/Authors Citing an Author or Authors 1. 引用2个作者的文章A Work by Two Authors:Name both authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in parenthes...
(1991). Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, June 1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. 16 不同版本,名字中含Jr. 第1版不写 修订版中文写“修订版”,英文写Rev. ed. 版本字体为正体 Mitchell, T. R., & Larson...
1)英文文献文内标注 直接引用格式:According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199). 转述格式:APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, pp. 199-202).Jones (1998) ...
This research was supported in part by a grant from the Sample Grant Program.Angeli, Department of English, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 55555.Contact: author@boiler.edu The author’s name and institution should be double- spaced and centered.Running head: VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE...
其规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文末参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。
(see In-Text Citations: Author/Authors), you would write the citation as such: Park et al. (2003) discuss the prospect of having more than eight signatures. . . . When writing an integrated citation for multiple citations, treat each citation as its own integrated citation. You would ...
APA7 格式:APA Citation Examples (7th Edition)You will use an in-text citation to credit a ...
APA格式-Purdue大学 APA FormattingandStyleGuide WhatisAPA?APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)isthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsintheSocialSciences.WhatdoesAPAregulate?APAregulates:StylisticsIn-textcitationsReferences (alistofallsourcesusedinthepaper)APAstylistics:Basics PointofviewandvoiceinanAPApaper Use:...
(Kachru, 2005; Smith, 2008) In-text Citations: A Work with Two Authors When citing a work with two authors, use “and” in between authors’ name in the signal phrase yet “&” between their names in parenthesis. According to feminist researchers Raitt and Tate (1997), “It is no ...