文内引用(In-text Citations)单⼀作者:示例:Smith (2020) argues that.../...has been argued...
APA Citation Examples (7th Edition)You will use an in-text citation to credit a source within t...
When should all authors be included in the in-text citation, according to the APA style? () A. When there are two authors. B. When there are three to five authors. C. When there are six or more authors. D. When the reference is from a book. ...
Chicago in-text citation examples Chicago citation examples: Book Chicago citation examples: Journal Article Chicago citation examples: Website Chicago citation examples: Video Chicago citation examples: AI Citation examples for multiple authors APA citation examples for more than one author MLA citation e...
Our APA In-text Citation Guide is exactly what you need to create APA in-text citations. With clear explanations & examples throughout, this guide is for you!
apacitationstext引文headingdoi In-Text Citations APA citations should include the author’s name and the year of publication (a page number is optional). Citations go before the period, as in the examples below. Block Quotations Use a block quote format for quotations 40 words or longer. ...
APA In-text Citations APA-style citations examples from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition), 2010. (For materials not covered in these examples, see Chapter Six, Crediting Sources, pages 169-192.)Citing Direct Quotes: When quoting, always provide the...
Below are examples of how to include page numbers in in-text citations when using direct quotations: Narrative: Jones (1999) states, “It is important to study all children” (p. 47). Neer et al. (2014) agree with his argument that “the behavior of working women changes drastically” ...
More commonly you will just refer to such a source like you would any other reference. Make sure you include as much information as possible so that the original can be retrieved easily. Treat images/figures or tables as direct quotes and provide full citation in the caption and again the ...