文内引用(In-text Citations)单⼀作者:示例:Smith (2020) argues that.../...has been argued...
当引用一个属于大整体的作品时,该作品的标题出现在“Title”部分(不需要斜体),大整体的标题出现在 “Source”部分(需要斜体)。 例如:Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: How message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media.Journal of Interactive Ad...
今天,我对APA格式的作者名的文内引用格式(In-Text Citations: Author/Authors)一探究竟。 1. 引用两位作者的作品: 引用作品时,在括号中标明两位作者。 在文本中的作者姓名之间使用“and”,并在括号中使用&符号。 例如:Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports... (Wegener & Petty, 1994) 2. 引用...
Lester (1961) , and Masters (1961)performed their experiments, these , too , were flawed. The consequent loss of millions of dollars .in time and equipment has been well documented (Smith, 1999 ).
Paraphrasing in APA For an in-text APA journal citation that is not a direct quote, or anAPA parenthetical citation, all you need to provide is the author’s last name and the year of publication. You may provide a page number (preceded by “p.” for one page or “pp.” for multiple...
This particular Apa In Text Citation Online Journal PDF start with Introduction, Brief Session till the Index/Glossary page, look at the table of content for additional information, when presented. It's going to focus on mostly about the above subject together with additional information associated...
In-text citation 文中引用需要写明作者姓氏和文章发表年份,我们这里只讨论最常见的“indirect citation”,即作者的观点需要经过你的改写再出现在你的文章当中。 基本格式有两种: 1. 作者的姓氏出现在行文中,例如: Research by Sharma and Tan (1994) suggests... ...
Depending on the number of authors and the source type, some in-text citations look different than others. Read on to learn how to structure an in-text citation for APA. In fact, if you’re looking for an easy route, EasyBib.com has an in-text citation APA generator, which does the...
In-text citations: One author: A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling 2005). Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. Two authors: A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu 2005). Pauling and Liu (200...
参考文献引用格式APA.pdf,AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APA) REFERENCING STYLE GUIDE American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing Style Guide 1 Referencing 3 Academic honesty and plagiarism 3 About the APA style 3 In-text citation: Referencin