When referencing sources in APA format, the following guidelines should be followed for English-language references: 1. Books: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. 2. Journal Articles: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the...
Institute for Cognitive Science,UniversityofCalifornia,San Diego. 小册子(A brochure) APA: Research andTrainingCenteron Independent Living. (1993).Guidelines for reporting and writing about people with disabilities(4th ed.) [Brochure].Lawrence,KS: Author. 3. 电影或录像 MLA: High Fidelity. Dir. ...
Guidelines for Writing in APA Style William U Borst 1999 为主要参考资料进行中文版改编 APA 格式中文写作4 480 个汉字 包括标点 它应以 块 的形式 英文左对齐 不要首行缩进 中文首行缩进 4 个空格 两个汉字 摘要应是论文简洁 全面 明确的总结 当然 并不是所有的教授都 会要求您写摘要页 无论是否有摘要 ...
Guidelines from the APA Handbook (7th edition):https://apastyle.apa.org/ What are in-text citations for APA?•In your text, you should include a parenthetical citation each time you directly quote or paraphrase from another source. This is known as an in-text citation.•Each of the ...
It is very important that you check the assignment guide for your Department or School as some details, e.g. punctuation, may vary from the guidelines on this page. You may be penalised for not conforming to your school's requirements. What is Referencing? Referencing is a standardised ...
2. Directory to APA references (文后的索引格式)。在整个文章之后,需要按字母顺序将所引用的资源列出称为:reference list。 APA两大难点 难点一:查找资源时要随手记下资源要件 APA规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文后参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。我们需要做的一大重点就是...
参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做Works Cited,在APA规范里叫做References。撰写论文时应仔细阅读MLA或APA的规范手册,本节仅提供部分著录实例,供参考。3.2.1 著录已出版的文章一位作者写的文章MLA:Stewart, Donald C. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be?” College Composition and Communication 40 (...
重点二:Directory to APA references (文后的索引格式)。在整个文章之后,需要按字母顺序将所引用的资源列出称为:reference list。 你将面临三大挑战:1),引用资源能有效支撑论点;2),在不被认为抄袭的基础上引用资源;(只讲此点)3),...
Guidelines for the Workload of College English Teacher.Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1987. APA: Standards for educational and psychological tests. (1985).Washington,DC: American Psychological Association. 编撰的书籍(Edited book) MLA: Kerckhove, Derrick de, and Charles J. Lumsden...