Real name, A.A. [Channel name]. (year, month day). Title [Video]. YouTube. http://xxxx 对于前述视频例子,APA引用格式为:Wordvice Editing Services. (2021, Apr 22). APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations [Video]. YouTube.如果你知道Kevin是在Wordvice网站上...
(2021, Apr 22).APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from: 注意,大家可以使用我们的APA Citation Generator(APA引文生成工具)以APA 6或APA 7格式引用YouTube视频。 以MLA格式引用YouTube视频 以MLA格式引用在线视频的格式与APA格式有很大不同。首...
Citing a YouTube video in APA format requires certain information, like the real name of the individual who posted the video on YouTube, their YouTube username, the full date when the video was uploaded, the title of the video, and the video’s URL. Give your writing extra polish Grammar...
Real name, A.A. [Channel name]. (year, month day).Title[Video]. YouTube.http://xxxx 对于前述视频例子,APA引用格式为: Wordvice Editing Services. (2021, Apr 22).APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations[Video]. YouTube. 如果你知道Kevin是在Wordvice网站上录制和上...
Instead of citing one particular YouTube video, you may want to cite an entire YouTube channel. While the format is similar to citing a YouTube video, there are a few key differences you can see in the format guidelines below. You will always use “n.d.” for “no date” because You...
You can site the YouTube video in APA or MLA format. In APA format If you’re looking to cite a video from YouTube in the APA format, here is how you can go about doing it. Desouza, M. (2020, August 31). The Power Of The Ocean [Video]. YouTube.
How to Footnote a YouTube Video. The Internet provides a quick way to research various topics you might be studying. With a diverse range of media available on the Web, it might be difficult to work out how to cite your sources in your work, especially i
Video, online: CrashCourse. (2015, April 30).Mars: Crash course astronomy #15[Video]. YouTube. How Do I Format My Reference List? Drawing on a range of relevant sources in your work proves that you have read widely around your chosen top...
How to Cite Wikipedia in APA Format How to Cite a YouTube Video in APA Format How to Cite a PDF in APA Format How to Cite a Lecture or Speech in APA Format Your writing, at its best. Get GrammarlyIt's free Works on all your favorite websitesRelated...
Our free citation creator will format the authors in the order in which you add them. Multiple authors, same last name: If your reference list has multiple authors with the same last name and initials, include their first name in brackets. Example: Brooks, G. [Geraldine]. (2005). March....