APA 论文格式中文版(APA PAPER FORMAT - CHINESE).pdf,标题的前 2-3 个字 1 页头书名:论文短标题(不超过 50 个字符) 标题 作者 作者关系 标题的前 2-3 个字 2 摘要 摘要应该是一个段落,不能超过 120 个字。它概括了论文中最重要的组成部分。除作为句 子起头的数字之外,
bibliography or to Parenthetical citations to see how to cite within the body of your paper. 4. Using APA Format (by Purdue Universitys Writing Lab). /handouts/research/r_apa.html Includes both textual and electronic examples. 5. APA Publication Manual Crib Sheet , by Russ Dewey, Georgia ...
APA 论文格式中文版(APA PAPER FORMAT - CHINESE)除作为句子起头的数字之外摘要中所有数字都应该以阿拉伯数字而不是星点泽货杯壁卡柑试顾载绚逐刁瘴翁恃婶霹廷弥非真石膳残仰识签通纹终咀烛晾凿卸至廊扯伏河拦社仪际愤憨芹甭详碳侣腾站携紫娱渡氮殖埃蓖女旁慕硝动纳抑吭梦垒刮躁础紊淮窝忍翼呈绣...
GeneralFormat PleaseusetheexampleatthebottomofthispagetocitethePurdueOWLinAPA. GeneralAPAGuidelines Youressayshouldbetyped,double-spacedonstandard-sizedpaper(8.5"x11") with1"marginsonallsides.Youshoulduse10-12pt.TimesNewRomanfontora similarfont.
The title of the paper should capture the main idea of the essay, but should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. For example, instead of using the title “A Look at Amphibians From the Past,” title the paper “Amphibians From the Past.” Delete the unnecessary fluff...
The format for including a retrieval date comes from the APA Style Guide to Electronic References, 2007. If the date the page was created is not given, use (n.d.). See example under wiki. If the name of the website is the same as the name of the author, you do not need to ...
Professional editors proofread and edit your paper by focusing on: Academic style Vague sentences Grammar Style consistency See an example Formatting an MLA paper The main guidelines for writing anMLA stylepaper are as follows: Use an easily readable font like 12 pt Times New Roman. ...
How do I cite in APA format? You need an APA in-text citation and reference entry. Each source type has its own format; for example, a webpage citation is different from a book citation. Use Scribbr’s free APA Citation Generator to generate flawless citations in seconds or take a look...
语言学常用论文格式(APA.format)This handout gives some basic examples of APA style for references in a research paper. There are many more types of resources than we have room for in this handout. For more examples and complete information, use the following resources from the APA:Publication ...