四、参考文献(References) 1、参考文献的定义 2、不同来源的APA格式的参考文献 一、引用和参考文献的重要性 在你的研究论文中包括APA引用和参考文献是非常重要的。 当你包括引文时,你向读者展示了你能够从其他来源找到有价值的、高质量的信息,并在适当的地方将它们放入论文中,体现了你的信息收集、整合应用的能力;...
In APA format, references need to be acknowledged where they appear in the text (known as in-text citations) and listed on a distinct page known as the reference list page. Because it was developed primarily for the social sciences, APA format has straightforward, logical citation guidelines ...
APA:標題為“References”,按作者姓氏字母順序排列。 MLA:標題為“Works Cited”,按作者姓氏字母順序排列。 Chicago:標題為“Bibliography”或“References”,也是按字母順序排列。 3. 格式和佈局方面有什麼不同? APA和MLA:建議使用Times New Roman字體,大小12點,雙行間距。 Chicago:也建議使用易讀字體,如Times New ...
文末引用文献(References)的书写,APA格式不采用文献编号的方式排列,中文部分以作者之姓氏笔划(由少至多)编排,英文部分以作者姓氏字母(由A到Z)依序排列。同一文献的文字行间不空行,但文献与文献之间必须空一行。在此列出的文献必须都是在内文中引用到的,内文中没有引用过的文献不得在此列出。 一、书籍(列出数据的...
safety of any information you indicate. We provide clients with all the necessary regulations that are described in our Privacy Policy with a cookie notice. We guarantee you a secure, easy, and reliable way to format your references. The citation machine on this website can cope with anything...
so you need to check with the instructor before selecting a format. REFERENCES Print Sources The References page (bibliography) is placed at the end of the research paper and lists all the articles, books, and other sources used in the research and preparation of the paper and cited with a...
e references included in the body of your essay the reference list at the end of your essay (For a Word document formatted in APA style try here) General Rules Double-space your paper including the reference list. Format reference list entries with a hanging indent (in MS Word ...
According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners. APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, p. 199). In-Text Citations: Author/Authors APA style has a series of important rules on using author names as part...
七.参考文献(References) 在APA格式中,引注的部分只是告诉读者从哪里找到所引用的内容。因此,在论文末尾应列出所有引用的文献,供读者查询和进一步阅读。参考文献应按照APA格式排列,包括作者的全名、出版年、文章题目、期刊或书籍名称以及出版社。 八.校对引注格式(Proofread the Citations) 最后,务必对引注进行校对,确保...
APAstyleisadifficultcitationformatforfirst-timelearners(Jones,1998,p.199). In-TextCitations:Author/Authors APAstylehasaseriesofimportantrulesonusingauthornamesaspartoftheauthor-datesystem.Thereareadditionalrulesforcitingindirectsources,electronicsources,andsourceswithoutpagenumbers. CitinganAuthororAuthors AWorkby...