APA全称 American Psychological Association,是在校学生最常用的引文格式之一,以下参考最新第七版的APA格式,参考网站:https://apastyle.apa.org/ 一、整体架构和基本格式format 一般来说,整个文章需要包括标题页(title page),正文,和参考文献页(reference),具体如下(Order of Pages, n.d.): Title page Abstract T...
Page Numbers: Number all pages, starting with the title page (page 1). Page numbers should be placed in the top right corner of each page. Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism by properly citing all sources used in your paper. Additional Tips. Use a citation management tool, such as Zotero or Men...
APA(2001)Format OrderofPages(APA,2001,p.287)titlepageabstracttext(beginp.3withtitleofpaper)referencesappendixesauthornotestablesfigures DominicanAdolescentsRunninghead:ACOMPARISONOFSEXUALRISKBEHAVIORS 1 AComparisonofSexualRiskBehaviorsofDominicanAdolescents inTheirHomelandandintheUnitedStatesCarolA.PatsdaughterFlorida...
Most papers follow this format: At the top of the page, add the page number in the upper right corner of all pages, including the title page. On the next line write the title in bold font and center it. Do not underline or italicize it. ...
一、整体架构和基本格式format 一般来说,整个文章需要包括标题页(title page),正文,和参考文献页(reference),具体如下(Order of Pages, n.d.):1、标题页Title page 分为学生和专业人员的版本,这里仅针对学生版本。标题页的内容包括:Title 文章标题,Authors 所有作者的全名(按照“名字—中间...
“References,” bold and centered at the top, and all references written double-spaced. It uses a hanging indent, which means the first line of each entry isnotindented, but all lines after the first are. Like all pages in APA format, include the page number at the top in the running...
•1-inch margins on all sides •12pt. Times New Roman Font When you quote or paraphrase from a source, you need to give credit to that source by inserting a citation. This citation typically consists of the author’s name, year of publication, and page number in parentheses at the ...
Then, place page numbers, using a hyphen in between if it's a range of pages. Place a period after this. Finally, a hyperlink including the DOI number should be included if there is one available. Books This style is applicable to printed texts. Theformat for citing booksin APA format ...
Journal Title, Volume(issue), pages. 例子: Kendall-Tackett, K., & Meyer, H. (2002). The health effects of childhood abuse: Four pathways by which abuse can influence APA格式引用规范标准[详] APA格式引⽤规范标准 [详 ] APA格式引⽤规范 标题 根据APA格式,标题是⽤来组织⽂章,使得其有...
Reference list at the end of the paper (See pages 215281, 299 in the manual)The heading on the page of sources should be “References.” Include the page number on the top, righthand side of the page (your title page should be page 1). APA suggests your identify each page ...