Paper format Quick guide Running head Title page Abstract Table of contents Headings Tables and figures Footnotes Reference page Ordering references Appendices Language guidelines Reporting standards Methods Results Numbers and statistics Citation examples Interesting topics Parts of speech Working with sources...
An essay must include a reference list with all the sources cited. Place your reference page between your essay’s main body and appendices. On this page, you should indicate all the sources cited in your work using APA in-text citations. Start the reference page on a new page and label...
12 Use title capitalization for section names (capitalize the first letter of each major word). 13 Include the reference page, appendices, and index in the table of contents if applicable. 14 Do not include the title page, or the abstract (if your paper has one), in the table of content...
APA format is a set of formatting and citation guidelines for how an academic paper should look, similar to other styles like Chicago or MLA. APA format is usually preferred for subjects in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, criminology, education, and occasionally ...
The APA reference page should be the last section of the paper. It should come right after the main body of your paper, before any appendices. Which Sources Do You Have to Include on the Reference Page? You need to create a reference entry for every source that you’ve cited in the te...
General Structure: An APA-style publication should begin with a title page followed by the main body, references, then appendices. Citation and References Section Headings From One Lesson to 300 Pages Why Do We Need APA? Lesson Summary APA Format Structure Basics Learning Outcomes Additional Activ...
The text is presented in generalAPA format: left-aligned, double-spaced, and with page numbers in the top right corner. Start a new page for each new appendix. The example image below shows how to format an APA Style appendix. Organizing and labeling your appendices ...
Order of Pages and Pagination.The order of pages should follow this format: Title Page > Abstract > Body > References > Appendices > Footnotes > Tables > Figures The page number should appear one inch from the right corner of the paper on the first line of each page. Thetitle pagewill ...
APA Double Spaced Format 30 related questions found Is appendix before or after References APA? The Appendixappears after the References list. If you have more than one appendix you would name the first appendix Appendix A, the second Appendix B, etc. The appendices should appear in the order...
The APA reference page is placed after the main body of your paper but before any appendices. Here you list all sources that you’ve cited in your paper (through APA in-text citations). APA provides guidelines for formatting the references as well as the page itself. ...