Type your first and last name, as well as the initials of the middle name. Continue with your organization or institution. Center them, use caps, and make sure the pages are double-spaced. You can choose any easy-to-read font for your paper, but the style recommends 12pt Times New Rom...
page margins: one-ince margin font: Times New Roman line spacing : double space 二、创建标题页 点4此次空格 标题单词首字母单词要大写,短介词(a and of)除外;如果短介词在句首,需要大写; 标题单词不能有缩写, 标题是全文摘要,最好不超过50个单词 如果有副标题,写在下一行 写完标题之后空两格写上作者...
Font: A legible font (e.g. Times New Roman) size 12. Line Spacing: Double space throughout the document including title page, abstract and references. Alignment: Left align the main text with a ragged right edge. Page Headers and Numbers: Put a header on every page with the page number...
Your horizontal lines should be over and above any column headings. Capitalize the first letter of every important word. Your table can either be single or double spaced. Keep the spacing in tables consistent throughout your project. If you believe your table needs further explanation, or if ...
Include all level 1 and level 2 headings (other levels are optional). Indicate different heading levels with indents. Adhere to general APA format in terms of font, spacing, etc. You can automatically create the table of contents by applying APA heading styles in Word. TipYou can optimize yo...
Our experts are well-versed in specific formatting styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago, and can ensure that your paper meets the highest standards. On top of that, they pay close attention to minor details like font size, spacing, and citation placement. Such an approach helps you avoid...
Spacing Double-spacing Double-spacing Font/margins Times New Roman 12 1” margins Times New Roman 12 1” margins Direct in-text quotation (Moran, 2017, p.16) (Moran 16) Indirect in-text quotation (Moran, 2017) According to Moran, this is a controversial case (16). Bibliography Na...
Double spacing (within and between references) Hanging indent of ½ inch Legible font (e.g. Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11) Page number in the top right header Which sources to include On the reference page, you only include sources that you have cited in the text (with anin-text ci...
In APA format, the recommended font is Times New Roman, 12-point size. This font is preferred because of its readability and professional appearance. Arial, while also acceptable in some cases, is not the standard font suggested by APA guidelines. Comic Sans and Papyrus are not considered ...
When proofreading, you do not need to worry about the spacing or font used in the references (or anywhere in the text, for that matter). This comes under the formatting service. When proofreading, you do not need to worry about how the tables/figures are presented, although you should ...