Director's last name, first initial (Director). (Year). Film/video/DVD title [format]. Country...
In-text citation When citing or referring to a title in text, capitalise all major words. If the title is long, it can be shortened for the in-text citation. HIV/AIDs Resources (2004) states that . . . or This directory shows . . . (HIV/AIDs Resources, 2004). Computer and network...
In-text citation template and example: Narrative: Author Surname (Year) Bong (2003) Parenthetical: (Author Surname, Year) (Bong, 2003) Read thisAPA formatguide for more style basics. Reference list entry template and example: Surname, F. M. (Director). (Year).Movie title[Film]. Production...
APA格式指的就是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)出版的《美国心理协会刊物准则》,其规范...
Title of motion picture [Film]. Studio or distributor. Smith, J. D. (Producer), & Smithee, A. F. (Director). (2001). Really big disaster movie [Film]. Paramount Pictures. A Television Series Bellisario, D. L. (Producer). (1992). Exciting action show [TV series]. American ...
(Year). Title of movie [Film]. Studio. In-Text Citation Rules A movie in APA has a simple citation format for in-text citations. The following information appears in parentheses after the text that cites the source, in what is known as a parenthetical citation: (Director's Last Name, ...
Citing a film or movie in APA APA Structure: Director’s Last Name. F. M. (Director). (Year published). Film’s title [Film]. Publisher(s) or URL APA Example: Gerwig, G. (Director). (2017). Lady bird [Video]. IAC Films; Scott Rudin Productions.Citing...
The title is written in sentence case and italicized, followed by the label “Film” in square brackets. The in-text citation includes the last name of the director, and the year. If you are referring to a specific quote or scene from the movie, add a timestamp to direct the reader ...
Other examples are not so easily explained away.The bonobo Kanzi has requested particular films by combiningsymbols in a creative way. For instance, to askfor Quest for Fire, a film about early primates discoveringfire, Kanzi began to use symbols for “campfire”and “TV” (Eckholm, 1985)....
Where you write “[Film],” add a semicolon and the version you’re using, e.g., “[Film; extended ed. DVD release].” For non-English films, use the original title on the reference page in italics, and put the translated title in brackets after it without italics, e.g., “...