一、整体架构和基本格式format 一般来说,整个文章需要包括标题页(title page),正文,和参考文献页(reference),具体如下(Order of Pages, n.d.): Title page Abstract Text References Footnotes* Tables** Figures** Appendices *可以将所有的foodnotes整理到文末(注意编号连续),也可以在每一页下面标出脚注(注意...
图表的英文表述有2个,‘tables’ 或者是‘ figures’,它们通常放置在: 在文章的APA引用末尾 在文章中第一次提到的时候 ‘table’ 第一次在文章中提到时命名为 ‘Table 1.’ 下一张图是 ‘Table 2,’ 以此类推. 如果是‘figures’, 那就是 'Figure 1,' 'Figure 2,' 同理。 paper without first provid...
If you place all your tables and figures at the end, you should have one table or figure on each page. Begin with all your tables, then place all your figures afterwards. Referring to tables and figures in the text Avoid making redundant statements about your tables and figures in your te...
Tables and figures in APA 7th edition share a common format, with a number and title preceding them. If required, they may be followed by explanatory notes. To make the table or figure stand out, use bold styling for the words "Table" or "Figure" along with the corresponding number. Pla...
Formattablesandfigures Centerthetitle–References--atthetopofthepageDouble-spacereferenceentries DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirst...
Label all of your figures and tables appropriately. For tables, you need to write the table number (boldface) and add the table title below (italicized, capitalizing the notional words). Table 1 Comparison of Regression ResultsIf the table/figure is taken from another source, add a note des...
Formattablesandfigures Centerthetitle–References--atthetopofthepageDouble-spacereferenceentries DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirst...
APA: TABLES AND FIGURES *Information on this handout is summarized from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association [APA], 2001). Examples are fictional in content. Tables: Use tables for the purpose of simplifying text. A table with 2 or ...
methods,results,andmostimportantconclusions.Mayalsoincludepossibleimplicationsofyourresearchandfutureworkyouseeconnectedwithyourfindings.MainBody(Text)Thefirsttextpageispagenumber3Typethetitleofthepapercentered,atthetopofthepageIdentifythesourcesyouuseinthepaperinparentheticalin-textcitationsFormattablesandfigures ...
Tables and figures taken from other sources are numbered and presented inthe same format as your other tables and figures. Refer to them as Table 1, Figure 3, etc., but include an in-text citation after you mention them to acknowledge the source. ...