APA_CITING格式_ 详细指导 DocumentingSourcesofInformation 1 APAStyle WhatisPlagiarism? Usingsomebodyelse’swordsorideasasiftheywereyourown;Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithoutacknowledgement;Usingideasfromothersourceswithoutacknowledgement;Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougotideasorinformation.APAStyle ...
Citing a Source with No Authors in APA If no author is given, to create the APA citation of a journal, use the title of the article in place of the author information. Then, provide the publication date and publication name without repeating the article title. ...
I'm citing a book, article, video, photo, etc., that I found online. Does that mean it's a "website"? If you can classify your source as something other than a website/web page, choose that as your source. Be as specific as possible. Most times, the source citation form will ...
In notes and bibliography style, Chicago recommends only citing Wikipedia in your footnotes, and leaving it out of your bibliography. Use the short note format if you need to cite the same article again. Example: Chicago Wikipedia citation (notes and bibliography) Full note format 1. “Article...
Learn how to cite in APA format with our free APA citation machine, along with our guide to citing in APA format with examples.
When you are citing an electronic, online material, or a source that doesn’t have a page number, use the paragraph number where the information is found. The paragraph number is indicated by “para.”An online source cited like this would look like this: The APA style has shown a 25%...
Online news site articleIf you’re citing an online article, first determine if you are citing an article from a newspaper OR an article from a news site. APA style has a slightly different format for each.Are you citing an online news article?
APA [6th ed.] Citing & Referencing Dr. Abrilene Johnston-Scott January 23, 2015 Why are you required use APA style? Because learning to write means mastering an accepted and uniform writing style. Because APA style is the most common writing style in the Social Sciences and is used by BMC...
Citing a print article When the article was consulted in print rather than online, the page number or range of the article is included instead of a URL. If the article is spread across non-consecutive pages (e.g. begins on p. 1 then continues on p. 5), just write the first number ...
quotation or paraphrase is taken in a parenthetical citation after the quote. This way of citing ...