9.同一作者的同一年份不同的文章,Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year:If you have two sources by the same author in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. Use the lower-case letters with the year...
When citing an edited source in APA, place the editor’s initials and last name in brackets immediately after the book’s title, followed by a comma and the abbreviation Ed. for one editor or Eds. for multiple editors.Structure: Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year...
Citing Multiple Works in One Parentheses(在一个括号里引用多部作品): If these works are by the same author, the surname is stated once followed by the dates in order chronologically. For instance: Mitchell (2007, 2013, 2017) Or (Mitchell, 2007, 2013, 2017) If these works are by multiple...
If multiple works by the same author or authors are cited simultaneously, use commas between the publication years, again, listing the sources in the same order that they appear in the reference list. (Berndt, 2002, 2004) Authors with the Same Last Name To prevent confusion, use first initia...
Citing Multiple Works in One In-text Citation When citing more than one source in the same in-text citation, list all sources in the standard way and separate them with a semi-colon. List the sources alphabetically (by author’s last name or by title if no author is given) in the orde...
Multiple sources in one parenthesis If a statement is supported by multiple sources, the in-text citations can be combined in one parenthesis. Order the sources alphabetically, and separate them with a semicolon. When citing multiple works from the same author, list the years of publication sepa...
o author surname(s) (in the order that they appear on the actual publication), followed by the year of publication of the source that you are citing.o page or paragraph numbers for direct quotes e.g. (Weston, 1988, p. 45). Page numbers are not normally included when paraphrasing but...
Citing multiple sources by the same author in the same year You may have a bunch of case studies, articles, or books that you’re referencing, all by the same author. Let’s say you’re analyzing two works by Sigmund Freud,Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconsciousand alsoFragment of ...
Word processors like Word or Google Docs andcitation generatorscan usually order the reference list automatically. However, ordering becomes challenging when citing multiple works by the same author or works by authors with the same last name. ...