“Direct quote” or Paraphrase (Author’s Last Name, Year published, p. number). Citing multiple sources by the same author in the same year You may have a bunch of case studies, articles, or books that you’re referencing, all by the same author. Let’s say you’re analyzing two wo...
If you are citing multiple sources with the same author and year, use letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year to distinguish between them. For instance: Smith (2022a) discussed the concept of strategic planning, while Smith (2022b) focused on the role of team dynamics in management. ...
Citing Basics In-Text Citations Overview When using a direct quote or paraphrasing information from a source, include an in-text or parenthetical citation into the body of your project, immediately following it. An APA in-text citation may look similar to this: Author's Last name (Year) stat...
If a statement is supported by multiple sources, the in-text citations can be combined in one parenthesis. Order the sources alphabetically, and separate them with a semicolon. When citing multiple works from the same author, list the years of publication separated by a comma. ...
Note:When citing material in parentheses, set off the citation with a comma, as above. Also, try to locate the original material and cite the original source. 网上资料:Electronic Sources If possible, cite an electronic document the same as any other document by using the author-date style. ...
APA 文章内部注释 In-text Documentation 7.2In-textDocumentation 7.2.2CitingSourcesintheTextInwritingaresearchpaper,youmustindicatetoyourreadernotonlywhatworksyouusedbutalsoexactlywhatyouderivedfromeachsourceandwhereintheworkyoufoundthematerial.Themostpracticalwaytoprovidethisinformationistoinserta...
However, if you have many sources with the first two or more authors having the same surname with same publication year, using “et al.” will be confusing. In such cases, use as many author names as required to distinguish the references from one another and then use “et al.” ...
If multiple works by the same author or authors are cited simultaneously, use commas between the publication years, again, listing the sources in the same order that they appear in the reference list. (Berndt, 2002, 2004) Authors with the Same Last Name To prevent confusion, use first initia...
Being able to properly cite all our sources is crucial as this spares us from charges of plagiarism. Citing works of others builds our paper's credibility. So when you do, it is important that you properly and accurately document all the source materials you have used. When writing APA Cit...
List multiple sources by the same author chronologically by year of publication Use sentence case for book and article titles (i.e. only capitalise the first letter of the first word of titles and subtitles, plus proper nouns) For journal titles, use the same capitalisation as the original pub...