Sources can take the form of a webpage or PDF file, but this is just the medium. When digging deeper, you may find that this webpage is actually a newspaper article, blog article, or press release. The PDF file could be a government report, journal article, or brochure. Choose the mo...
APA 的格式排版有两部分:一部分是在正文中对引用话语进行标注,叫做括号夹注。另一部分是在文章结尾处...
使用芝加哥格式引用网站的示例 Long-form: Mark Bernstein, “10 Tips on Writing the Living Web,” A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 16 Aug. 2002, Bernstein, “10 Tips on Writing the Living Web.”Author-date: Bernstein, 2002. 在公司...
to standardize Hereare some examples of how to use the author-date citation when paraphrasing. found on the web or in an electronic database (6.31-6.32). If there is no DOI, cite the home page URL. APA 6eGuide: Based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Citing Sources in ...
A. In-text Citation: Citing by Author and Date 1. One Work by One Author Rogers (1994) compared reaction times…or In a recent study of reaction times (Rogers, 1994)…2. One Work by Multiple Authors When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time you refer to the ...
On this page, you can learn how to cite the following: Print book E-book Translated book Edited book Audiobook Book from a database Multi-volume work Multiple authors or no author If you’re trying to cite a book, the Chegg Writing APA citation generator can help. ...
or the use of the Chicago works cited option. These options ensure that there's always a way of citing the material you've used in an appropriate way. If you're not sure whether an American Psychological Association (APA) citation builder or a Modern Languages Association (MLA) bibliography...
7.同时引用多篇同一作者的不同文章,Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Parentheses:When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works from the same author, list the years of publication in sequence, with the earliest first. Provide in-press citations last. Only list aut...
In-Text Citations APA citations should include the author’s name and the year of publication (a page number is optional). Citations go befo..