Or try our free APA Citation Generator to create citations automatically. Periodicals Journal article Newspaper article Reports and gray literature Report Brochure PDF Press release Dissertation or thesis Conference paper Books and reference works Book Bible Dictionary entry Encyclopedia entry Audiovisual ...
"Book Title" 是书的标题,"R. Zhang" 是原作者的姓名,"New York, NY" 是书的出版地,"Publishe...
nooks etc.). As of the APA 7th edition, a special notation does not need to be made for e-reader versions. Simply include the book’s URL or DOI number at the end of the citation. However, if you’re citing an audiobook, scroll down this page to see the different citation structure...
In-text citations • When paraphrasing, citations can be part of a sentence or placed at the...
it is necessary to transliterate the chapter name with the Roman alphabet. The book name does not need to have a translation following it. Because the chapter name and page numbers are included in the reference, the page numbers do not need to be included in an in-text citation unless a ...
——— 作者:——— 日期: 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 PAGE PAGE 1 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 APA 格式文内引用文献引用(Citation) 文献引用必须注明出处,这直接反映论文作者对所涉领域的把握和治学态度。文献引用应遵照下列规范: ? 引用规范:按专业方向 的不同一般分为MLA(the Modern...
Parenthetical in text citation (Miller & Garran, 2017, p. #)3. In-print book or eBook from the Research Databases, no DOI, three or more authors:Parenthetical in text citation (Taylor et al., 2019, p. #)4. DAVIS DRUG GUIDE entry: Note special entry for page numbers in REFERENCE P...
•An in-text citation gives your reader enough information to locate the full reference in your References page at the end of the essay.•The most common way to do an in-text citation is to include the source´s information in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period...
How to cite a textbook in APA format A textbook citation in APA format may look a bit different compared to a standard book citation because a textbook is more likely to have multiple authors or book editors. Below is an example of how to cite a textbook on your reference page: ...
参考2019年出版的 7th edition, APA Style Manual.