APA格式的citation page,亦即引用页或参考文献页,是学术论文中一个非常重要的组成部分。此页旨在列出所有在论文撰写过程中参考或引用过的资料,为读者提供查找原文的途径,同时展示作者对学术资源的尊重与引用的严谨性。APA格式规定,这一页面应在论文的最后,以字母顺序排列列出所有引用文献。在APA格式中,...
建议可以稍微使用一些软件辅助你生成citation,比如用用cite this for me, 或者是My bib这类的软件,因...
如果不是这个,导师所说的Citation Page可能是指类似于Reference Page(就是文章最后一页按照字母排列出全...
其规范格式主要分作三个部分:文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)、文末参考文献列表(Reference List)和内容脚注(Footnotes)。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名(the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。一、...
If you need to include a website on your citation page, the following style is used: Author, First Initial(s). (Year, Month Date Published). Page title.Website name. Retrieved Access Date, from URL. For example: Mowshowitz, Z. (2000, December 31). Clear the land and the fundamental...
Page header Including an image on the title page Title page example (student and professional version) Scribbr Citation CheckerNew The AI-powered Citation Checker helps you avoid common mistakes such as: Missing commas and periods Incorrect usage of “et al.” Ampersands (&) in narrative citatio...
Appendices *可以将所有的foodnotes整理到文末(注意编号连续),也可以在每一页下面标出脚注(注意编号每页重新编号)。**正文中插入图表,统一将图名表明放在上方或下方,并与下文间隔两倍行距,或者在文末参考文献后,统一将图、表整合,分别单另一页。APA格式引用主要学习难点包括文内文献引用(Citations in Text...
To learn more about citations, check out this page on crediting work. Also, read up on how to be careful of plagiarism. What Does it Look Like? There are two types of citations: In-text/Parenthetical citations: Those that are found in the body of a project are called in-text/...
If you can classify your source as something other than a website/web page, choose that as your source. Be as specific as possible. Most times, the source citation form will give you the option to cite the source as something found online (see tabs at the top of the citation form). ...
APA格式引用主要学习难点包括文内文献引用(Citations in Text)和文后参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。 1)标题 标题用来组织文章,使得其有层次架构。 APA格式规定了文章内“标题”的特定格式(1到5级)。 第1级:置中大小写标题 第2级:置中、斜体、大小写标题 ...