具体样本可参考:https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/sample-figures 四、正文内插入引文(in text citations) APA采用 作者-日期 的引用系统,引用的内容必须是最初的出处(primary source),所有在正文(包括表格、脚注、附录)中出现过的引用的内容,必须都包括在References的清单里,并且作...
而这里Priscilla特别要讲一下APA in text citation里面有长短之分,不要以为你的引用可以大段大段的引用,而只要标注出citation就没有问题,可以大段引用的只有literature review部分,而大段的引用会出现的是下面第二种情况: 所以如果你超过40个字就要缩进成为上面这种long quotation,而你总不能满篇都是这样的缩进吧,...
芝加哥格式(Chicago Style source citations)有两种不同的版本:(1)脚注或尾注格式,常见于人文学科,使用带有编号的脚注或尾注引用文献;(2)“作者-日期”格式,常见于自然科学和社会科学文章,使用正文中的括号引用参考文献。 文献综述与注释性参考文献目录之间的区别 文献综述(literature review)是针对某一专题对已有研究...
In 1995 Jacobson acknowledged that the original protocol was faulty , so thatwhen Zimmerman (1960), Lester (1961) , and Masters (1961)performed their experiments, these , too , were flawed. The consequent loss of millions of dollars .in time and equipment has been well documented (Smith, 19...
其规范格式主要包括⽂内⽂献引⽤(Reference Citations in Text)和⽂末 参考⽂献列举(Reference List)两⼤部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)⽽不⼤注重原 ⽂作者的姓名。引⽂时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。 英语论文格式...
Create manual citationCreate manual citation In this guide, students and researchers can learn the basics of creating a properly formatted research paper according to APA guidelines. It includes information on how to conceptualize, outline, and format the basic structure of your paper, as well as ...
2014; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as the use of ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ in citations and...
In many of the social sciences, you will be asked to design and conduct your own experimental research. If so, you will need to write up your paper using a structure that is more complex than that used for just a...
best cure for hiccups: The inside story. New York, NY: Made-Up Publishing Company. For the in-text citation, you would just use the last name and date: (Smith, 2012). Take a look at this lesson for further examples: https://study.com/academy/lesson/how-to-format-apa-citations.html...
e.g. Personal resilience as a strategy for surviving and thriving in the face of workplace adversity: A literature review. Proper nouns, acronyms and abbreviations that are normally capitalised should be capitalised in the reference list and citations. See examples on the following pages for each...