(6)When referring to books, chapters, articles, or Web pages, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated comp...
1)英文文献文内标注 直接引用格式:According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199). 转述格式:APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, pp. 199-202).Jones (1998) ...
Compound adjectives that precede a noun should be hyphenated as it’s the rule for APA format. 3. Use of “et. al.” The use of “et. al.” which means “and others” is a defining feature when writing in APA style. Because APA style follows in-text citation, whenever you cite ...
APA 论文写作格式简要说明 APA FormattingandStyleGuide WhatisAPA?APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)ThemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsintheSocialSciences.WhatdoesAPAregulate?APAregulates:StyleIn-textcitationsReferences (alistofallsourcesusedinthepaper)APAstylistics:Basics PointofviewandvoiceinanAPApaper Use:...
Here are some properly formatted APA citations: Clean - Soil, Air, Water Sociology of Religion There Is Nothing Left to Lose Writing New Media When capitalizing titles, make sure you capitalize both words in a hyphenated compound word, such as: Natural-Born Killers Harry Potter and the Half-...
TheAmericanPsychologicalAssociation(APA)citationstyleisthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsinthesocialsciences.APAregulates:•Stylistics •In-textcitations •References PointofView&Voice Personalpronounswhereappropriate •:“Weconductedanexperiment…”•:“Theauthorsconductedanexperiment….”Active...
last name, a comma, initials and a period. Insert the year inside parentheses. Add a period. List the title of the article in sentence case followed by a period. Include the italicized title of the journal, a comma and volume number. Add a comma, the hyphenated page numbers and a ...
Insubsequentcitations,onlyusethefirstauthor'slastnamefollowedby"etal."inthesignalphraseorinparentheses. (Kernisetal.,1993) Inetal.,etshouldnotbefollowedbyaperiod. SixorMoreAuthors:Usethefirstauthor'hesignalphraseorinparentheses. Harrisetal.(2001)argued... (Harrisetal.,2001) UnknownAuthor:Iftheworkdoes...
Book Chapter Citation Format Begin your citation with the last name and initials of the author or authors of the chapter. Then write the year of publication in parentheses, followed by a period. Next, write the chapter title in sentence case -- only capitalize the first word of the title ...