如果你是在应用程序APP上收听某集播客,那么只需要提供应用程序的列表信息(剧集编号和出版商名称可能不显示),并说明使用哪个版本访问播客。 如果你仍然不确定是否正确引用了播客,可以使用我们的MLA格式参考文献生成器(MLA Citation Generator)确保参考文献格式正确。 使用芝加哥格式引用播客 使用芝加哥格式引用播客时的参考文...
A world-class resource for abstracts and citations of behavioral and social science research. With more than 4 million bibliographic records centered on psychology and the behavioral and social sciences, the interdisciplinary content in PsycINFO. Makes it one of the most highly utilized databases by...
APA: Fix sort order for in-text citations (#4495) bwiernikauthored and rmzellecommittedJan 10, 2020 bfffaed Commits on Jan 3, 2020 APA: Use "et al." in Dutch (#4484) bwiernikauthored and rmzellecommittedJan 3, 2020 22872d2 Commits on Jan 1, 2020 APA 7th edition (#4419) ...
Scroll down to find the appropriate APA format structure for your sources. Even though the structure varies across different sources, see below for a full explanation of in-text citations and reference citations. Still wondering, "What is APA format?" To learn more about APA referencing, ...
Citations indicate the exact location for sources of information used in the text of the paper; the references (or list of works cited) describes, as a whole, the works from which the citations are taken. PLEASE NOTE: The examples on the following pages are based on the style recommended...
License and Citation Similar to otherresources aggregators, this repository is released into CC 1.0. We do not require citation, but in order to generate more contributions for and understanding of this resource we do appreciate sharing this repository or citing it where appropriate. ...
This APA citation style guide shows you everything you need to know like how to format pages, correctly cite sources, while providing templates and samples you can download for free.
It is not always possible to find the name of a law, especially if the citation is to the codified version (published in the U.S. Code or one of the California codes). To cite a law (e.g. section of the USC or a California code) without a name, some authors simply include the...
§ 2258 In-Text: Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 Reference List Format (Name of law with US Code citation only): Name of law, title # U.S.C. § section #. Reference List Format (with Public Law and/or Statutes at Large information): Name of law, Pub. L. ##-#...
APA citation format allows you to save your word count and communicate what sources you used for the essay by using special formats for journals, books, or online articles. 3. To avoid being penalized for plagiarism.When a student cites an author or uses ideas that were developed by another...