Chicago格式論文引用範例如下: Smith, John. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Pub 在這個例子中: 作者: “Smith, John” 表示這本書的作者是約翰·史密斯。芝加哥手冊風格通常先寫出作者的名字,再寫姓氏。 書名: “Title of Book” 將被實際的書名取代。書名通常是斜體或者底線。 出版...
Book Bible Dictionary entry Encyclopedia entry Audiovisual works Movie or documentary Podcast TED Talk TV show YouTube video Image PowerPoint Online media Tweet Webpage Other Personal communication Tables and figures Patent Speech Survey Interview Court case Source type Citing personal communications in ...
APA style referencing is a relatively easy referencing style to learn and remember (Cook & Murowchick, 2014; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as the use of ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ in citations and references. Further to this, when citing sources, the name of the author or authors should ...
APA style referencing is a relatively easy referencing style to learn and remember (Cook & Murowchick, 2014; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as the use of ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ in citations and references. Further to this, when citing sources, the name of the author or authors should ...
The7th Edition of the APA Publication Manualcontains various updates. Below are some of the key changes made to the references page and in-text citation guidelines. Reference Page Formatting (APA 7th) For multiple authors, give the last name and first/middle initials for all authors up to and...
Learn the essentials of APA formatting and style. From title pages to references, master the rules to write polished academic papers effortlessly.
Turabianstyles). SOMEEXAMPLESforreferencingmaterialobtainedfromInfotrac,Proquest, OCLCFirstsearch,etc.(thatis,bysearchinganaggregateddatabase)... Accordingto"ElectronicReferences,"APAOnline, http://.apastyle/elecref.html,"Whenreferencingmaterialobtainedbysearching ...
A1, A12.Books References to an entire book must include the following e 28、lements: author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.No Author or editor, in printMerriam-Websters collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2003). ...
what constitutes plagiarism, and how it can be avoided.A unique feature of the book is the comparisons it makes between different referencing styles - such as Harvard, APA, MLA and Numerical referencing styles - which are shown side-... N Colin - McGraw-Hill Higher Education 被引量: 36发表...
References 5. Optional Elements (in order: Footnotes, Tables, Figures, Appendices) Headings APA style has five heading levels. Writers can use as many headings as they deem necessary for their papers. Levels may not be skipped. Note: Do not use an "Introduction" heading, as APA considers ...