In-text citation 文中引用需要写明作者姓氏和文章发表年份,我们这里只讨论最常见的“indirect citation”,即作者的观点需要经过你的改写再出现在你的文章当中。 基本格式有两种: 1. 作者的姓氏出现在行文中,例如: Research by Sharma and Tan (1994) suggests... Research by Huang (2019) indicates… 2. 作者...
举个栗子 文献的信息如下:Author: 劉長松 Article title: 中美貿易戰對中國經濟發展與應對氣候變化的影響...
6. 如果需要Title Page,上面要有文章名,作者名(你的),指导老师,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(这条按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求)。 三、APA格式——标题 根据APA格式,标题用来组织文章,使得其有层次架构。 APA格式规定了文章内“标题”的特定格式(1到5级),级数和格式如下: 第1级:置中大小写标题(Centered U...
article. The DOI always begins with the number 10. The DOI should be placed in the citation on the References page. Tables and Figures Tables are organized lists of numerical data. Figures are visual displays of information. Tables and figures can be included in the text, or they can ...
1)In-textCitation:Theparentheticalcitationinthetextofyouressay.Thisisusuallyjusttheauthor'snameandthepublicationdate.4 Cont….2)References:Thereferencelistthatappearsattheendofyourpaper. Thisisadetailedlistofallthematerialyouhave'cited'inyourpaper.Thepageshouldsay“References.”(nounderline,no...
Including an article title in the text of your writing serves a different purpose than including it in the Works Cited section of a paper. You may want to include the title of an article in your paper when it is the main subject you're writing about, a s
Journal article citations Note: The journal title and volume number should be italicized. Format Last Name, Initials., & Last Name, Initials. (Year). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s). Example Andreff, W., & Staudohar, P. D. (2000...
In APA Style (7th edition), only the first word of the title is capitalized, and there is no period after the URL. The in-text citation includes the title of the article (with title-case capitalization, and shortened if necessary) and the year. Example: APA Wikipedia citation APA format...
Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(issue), pages. 例子: Kendall-Tackett, K., & Meyer, H. (2002). The health effects of childhood abuse: Four pathways by which abuse can influence apa文内引用格式例子 APA 文内引用格式例子 在学术写作中,文内引用是指在文章中对其他作者的观点、理论、...
the quicktip by that title. In-text citations for PARAPHRASED material always include dates, but can be formatted in two ways: • If the author’s name is included in a signal phrase, only the date needs to be placed in parentheses: Patterson (1998) has noticed the same phenomenon. ...