Jackson, R., Smith, P., & Johnson, L. (2018). The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health. Journal of Health Psychology, 25(2), 134-150. (注意:期刊名称需用斜体表示,卷号用斜体表示,但期号和页码不需要斜体) 4. 网络文章(Online Article): 作者, A. A., & 作者, B. B. (年份). 文章标...
2.期刊文章(Journal Article): 姓氏,名字首字母. (出版年).文章标题.期刊名,卷(期),页码. 3.学位论文(Thesis or Dissertation): 姓氏,名字首字母. (年份).论文标题(学位类型).所在大学. 4.网络资源(Online Resource): 作者. (出版年).文章标题.网站名. URL. 5.报纸文章(Newspaper Article): 作者. (出...
(Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available. 3. Websites: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the webpage/document. Website Name. URL. 4. Newspaper Articles: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year, Month Day)....
J. (1992). Intuitive versus rational judgment and the role of stereotyping in the human condition: Kirk or Spock? Psychological Inquiry, 3(2), 153-159. doi:10.1207/s15327965pli0302_13 Journal Article: 无DOI编号 Hodges, F. M. (2003). The promised planet: Alliances and struggles of the g...
If this is the title of an article, chapter or web page, it should be in quotation marks. For example: (“APA Citation”, 2017). 如果作者不详,应使用参考文献中的前几个词。通常是资源的标题。 如果这是一本书、期刊、小册子或报告的标题,则应斜体。
今年,美国心理学会(APA)的89个期刊发表了4000多篇文章。 以下是迄今为止 下载量排名的Top 10。 01.《心理学定性研究的期刊文章报告标准》《Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Research in P…
APA引用指南说明书 1 QUICK GUIDE TO APA REFERENCES & CITATION - Summarized from: Rev. 3/16/23 American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037.0000165-000 This handout supplements, not substitutes...
It should be alphabetized by author's last name and formatted according to APA style guidelines. Journal Articles: List the author(s), publication year, article title, journal title, volume, and issue. Books: Include theauthor(s), publication year, book title, location of publisher, and ...
This particular Journal Article Review Template Apa PDF start with Introduction, Brief Session till the Index/Glossary page, look at the table of content for additional information, when presented. It's going to focus on mostly about the above subject together with additional information associated ...