7th edition example: Lee, C.-H., & Mackinnon, R. (2019). Voltage sensor movements during Hyperpolarization in the HCN Channel. Cell Studies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.006 For ebooks, you no longer need to identify the format. 6th edition example: Murakami, H. (2014). Ka...
Here is an MLA format example for a source with one author:Sontag has theorized that collecting ...
3️⃣ 如果文献同时有DOI和URL,只需包含DOI。 4️⃣ 如果有URL但没有DOI,请在引用中包含URL。🌟 格式化提示: 将DOI和URL呈现为超链接(即以“http://”或“https://”开头)。不需要在DOI或URL前添加“检索自”或“访问自”等字样。 使用文字处理程序中超链接的默认显示设置(例如,蓝色字体带下划线)...
In October 2019, the American Psychological Association (APA) introduced the7th edition of the APA Publication Manual, which replaces the6th editionpublished in 2009. In that time a lot of things have changed. Citing online material has become more common, the use of inclusive and bias-free la...
APA 7th:DOI可以直接以URL形式呈现,不需要“doi:”前缀。 示例:https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx. 4. 网页引用 APA 6th:网页引用需要注明检索日期(Retrieved from). 示例:Author, A. (Year). Title of webpage. Retrieved from https://xxxxx.
APA Example: Doe, J. B. & Chen, W. I. For an example of a reference with two authors according to the 7th edition of thePublication manual, scroll down to the “Journal Articles found in Print” section, or check out section 9.7-9.12 in thePublication manual. ...
APA 7th:DOI可以直接以URL形式呈现,不需要“doi:”前缀。 示例:https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx. 4. 网页引用 APA 6th:网页引用需要注明检索日期(Retrieved from). 示例:Author, A. (Year). Title of webpage. Retrieved from https://xxxxx.
(2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). doi.org/10.1037/0000165 图书章节 Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter or entry). ...
APA Style Guidelines – 7th Edition The American Psychological Association (APA) published the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association in October 2019. Please note: your institution or instructor may still be using the 6th Edition of APA. Be sure to carefully...
The templates and examples below are based on the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and the main APA style website. On this page, you can learn how to cite the following: Print book E-book Translated book Edited book Audiobook Book from a databas...