APA第七版参考文献格式,全称为美国心理学会第七版出版规范(American Psychological Association 7th Edition),是由美国心理学会制定并发布的一种广泛应用的学术文献引用格式。以下是对APA第七版参考文献格式的详细介绍: 一、基本规则 作者姓名:引用作品的作者,通常以姓氏开头,后跟首字母,并用逗号隔开。如果有多位作者,则...
Name of Publication, volume(issue), page number(s). - 书中的章节:Author of Chapter. (Copyright date). Title of chapter. In Editor (Ed.), Title of book (Edition, pp. pages of the chapter). Publisher. 💡 小贴士: - 作者名字通常写为Last Name+First Name的首字母+句点。 - Reference...
, Title of book (Edition, pp. pages of the chapter). Publisher 小贴士 💡 作者名字:写Last Name+First name的大写开头字母+句点! 一个reference的第二行要缩进(indents)哦! Zotero神器 🛠️ 最后,给大家推荐一个超好用的整理文献和自动生成reference list的软件:Zotero(见图3)。Zotero支持在浏览器中...
例子:American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000 图书章节 Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Tit...
EditedBookChapter(Section10.3) Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind– body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.),Promotingmind–bodyhealthinschools:Interventionsfor
APA (7th edition) Referencing Style说明书 APA (7th edition) Referencing Style This referencing style sheet is to be used in conjunction with the Library’s general Guide to Citing & Referencing. The information is based on the following publications from the American Psychological Association (APA)...
What about an edition number of a book? As may be seen in the listing for an encyclopedia, below, this should be recorded as an additional piece of information within the full reference for the work (it will not affect the in-text citation). The edition number (abbreviated to “ed.”)...
APA-Formatting-7th-Edition copy Sample Papers •51 Sample Professional Paper (continued)Level 2 heading in the introduction, 2.27,T able 2.3, Figure 2.4 narrative citation, 8.11;paraphrasing, 8.23 parenthetical citation of a work with one author, 8.17 parenthetical citation for works with...
(2023). Portraying the Dalits [Review of the book Contested Representation by D. Rai]. Media Asia, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/01296612.2023.2247638AbstractAPA 7th edition does not provide guidance on how to cite abstracts. However, if you only use information from the abstract but the ...
In the Fall of 2019, the American Psychological Association released the 7th edition of its popular citation format, often referred to as “APAstyle.” This format is commonly used in science and research based courses and is one of the most popular citation styles available on EasyBib.com!