官网samples:Sample papers (apa.org)(有pdf和word版) 带解释示例:APA 7 Student Sample Paper (purdue.edu) word可编辑示例:APA-Format-Template.docx (live.com) (打不开用这个: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AvGVYsS5otYdylXb3ieb6Q?pwd=daqp提取码: daqp) 2 MLA-Modern Language Association 人文、...
在“引用”选项卡上的“引文 & 书目”组中,单击“书目”。 与Word 中的目录生成器类似,可以选择包含标题的预制书目格式,或者只需单击“插入书目”即可添加没有标题的引文。 若要了解有关使用引文占位符和编辑源的详细信息,请查看创建书目。 或者,如果要将书目源导出到另一台计算机,请...
When a work has three or more authors, cite the surname of the first author only, followed by et al., in every citation, including the first:Kisangua et al. (2007) found that … [first and subsequent citations]Reference list The reference list must have the title word References, which...
Reference: YouTube Video - ("How to add APA 7th reference style to MS Word") This video offers a practical solution by guiding viewers through the process of manually updating Microsoft Word to accommodate the APA 7th edition format. It is a valuable resource for students like yourself...
Customize in WordDownloadThis APA format template has you covered if you’re working on an APA-style research paper, report, or thesis. With specific instructions and formatting based on the APA 7th edition guidelines, this APA template will help save time and prevent mistakes. The ...
How to create an APA table of contents in Microsoft Word Microsoft Word can format a table of contents automatically, although you’ll still have to edit it to make sure it complies with APA guidelines. It’s easiest to create the table of contents last. The most important thing is to co...
How do you make a list in APA format? Begin the list with theitalicized word “Keywords:”. Then, include a list of 3–10 words or phrases relevant to your paper topic; separate them with commas, and do not end with a period. ...
Spelling in APA Format In APA formatting, use the same spelling as words found inMerriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary(American English) (p. 161). If the word you’re trying to spell is not found in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, a second resource isWebster’s Third New International ...
In Chapter 7, additional examples are given for tables and figures for different types of publications. In Chapter 8, how to format quotations and how to paraphrase text are covered with additional examples. A simplified version of in-text citations is clearly illustrated. ...