3. Websites: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the webpage/document. Website Name. URL. 4. Newspaper Articles: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year, Month Day). Title of the article. Title of the Newspaper, Page numbers. URL if available. 5. Conference Papers: AuthorLast...
当使用APA格式引用图片时,须按照以下顺序列出图片创建者的姓名、发布年份、标题、种类、能够访问或查看的位置,具体如下:Last name, Initials. (Year). Image title [Format]. Website Name or Museum, Location. URL (if applicable)例如,当你在关于意大利文艺复兴杰作的论文中引用《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)这...
以MLA格式引用在线视频的格式与APA格式有很大不同。首先,需要使用引号来标记视频标题,然后依次书写发布视频的网站名称、上传视频的频道名称、上传视频的日期、视频网址(URL),具体如下:“Title of video.” Website, uploaded by Screen name, day month year, http://xxxxx.对于前述视频示例,MLA的引用格式如...
full citation in your bibliography. If you are struggling with how to cite a website in MLA, ...
The Scribbr APA Citation Generator is free of ads and can automatically cite your sources based on the website URL, journal DOI or book ISBN. You should include a reference for all sources you have cited in the text. Don’t include sources you have only consulted. There are four types of...
·Publisher, database, platform, or website name 发布者、数据库、平台或网站名称 根据source的类型,参考条目中应该包括负责发布作品的出版商、数据库、平台或网站的米高程。当作品的作者与出版商或网站名称相同时,可以省略此信息。 ·Physical location 地理位置 ...
Website Search In APA, the “Works Cited” page is referred to as a “Reference List” or “Reference Page.”“Bibliography” also may be used interchangeably, even though there are some differences between the two. If you are at the point in your article or research paper where you are...
* Source title should follow the general title capitalization rules and title format depending on the source type. Also, if the title in the reference entry is not italicized, place in quotation marks. Changes in APA 7th Edition The APA was updated to 7th Edition in the fall of 2019. This...
* Source title should follow the general title capitalization rules and title format depending on the source type. Also, if the title in the reference entry is not italicized, place in quotation marks. Changes in APA 7th Edition The APA was updated to 7th Edition in the fall of 2019. This...