When writing academic papers or conducting research, it is essential to accurately reference sources to avoid plagiarism and give credit where it's due. However, when referencing a PDF without an author in APA format, it can be challenging to know the correct way to do so. Understanding the ...
网络上的参考资料(Online reference source) APA: Encyclopedia Britannica. (April 1998). Fresco. In Britannica Online (Vers. 98.2). Retrieved May 8, 1998, from http://www..com/doc/3713713218.html,:180. 3.2.7 参考文献的排列 参考文献的排列无论在MLA还是APA的规范里都必须遵循以下几条规则: (1)...
虽然参考文献的条目比较多,但这些条目通常都是由以下四个部分构成: Author:引用作品的作者 Date:作品何时发表 Title:作品的标题 Source:作品的来源 单个作者 在Reference中,作者的名字通常是倒置的,即以姓氏(last name)开头,后面跟上逗号和首字母,用句号和空格隔开。 诸如"Van "或 "De "之类的词缀,应视为姓氏的...
•An in-text citation gives your reader enough information to locate the full reference in your References page at the end of the essay.•The most common way to do an in-text citation is to include the source´s information in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period...
Begin the entry with the word “Anonymous” only if the work is signed “Anonymous.” If the reference has no author and is not signed “Anonymous,” then you can alphabetize it in the reference list based on the work’s title.
首先要明确APA 7th对于文献引用的格式要求,比如In-text citation or reference list 的格式要求。这两个信息可以去Cite this for me 或者mybib.com 这两个免费网站上自动生成哦~ 分享一些APA 格式的论文要点: 期刊: 作者姓名(姓氏带连字符+名字首字母无空格). (年份). 文章题目(冒号后首字母大写). 期刊名称每...
in bold and centred. The reference list should contain full details of all the sources mentioned in your text, arranged alphabetically by surname of first author. List entries should be double-spaced (both within and between entries), and the first line of each reference is flush left with su...
(Reference Citations in Text)和文后参考文献 列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author's First Name)之前。中国的外语类期刊(语言学刊物为主)及自然科学类的学术刊物喜欢使用...
ARTICLES (from databases or newspaper/journal/magazine websites) For all electronic documents, use the DOI (digital object identifier) number. If there is no DOI, include the homepage URL for the cited source. With DOI Author1, A. A., Author2, B. B., & Author3, C. C. (Year). ...