4️⃣ 悬挂缩进(Hanging Indent) 🟠 所有引用都需要悬挂缩进:除了第一行外,引用的第二行及后续行需要向右缩进。很多学生会手动按空格,但这种做法不仅耗时还可能导致格式错乱。 ✅正确操作步骤: 1. 打开Word文档,选中所有文献。 2. 在搜索栏输入“Paragraph Settings”。 3. 在“Indentation”的“Special”部...
Hanging indentfor all references: first line flush to the left, with subsequent lines indented by 0.5 inch (1.27cm). The works are listedalphabetically, usually by the author’s surname, but sometimes under a group author or by their title.If a group author or title of a work starts with...
Youarenowreadytoenteryourfirstsourcecitation.Thehangingindentwillautomatically havethefirstlineattheleftmarginandallsubsequentlineswillbeindented½”untilyouhitthe Enterkeyforyournextsourcecitation.Seeafewsamplesonnextpage. ChangetheSpecial boxfrom(none)to ...
Order your reference list alphabetically by author. Apply a hanging indent to each reference list entry. This means that the first line of each entry is left aligned, while the second and subsequent lines are indented (the Publication Manual recommends0.5" or 1.27cm—the default in Microsoft Wor...
All entries should be double spaced, with a hanging indent (i.e. second and subsequent lines indented by 0.5 inches). The reference page entries should be alphabetized by the first listed author's last name. Elements of a Reference Entry: APA generally includes four elements in every ...
為解決草稿與定稿格式不同所衍生的困擾,APA也統一說明APA格式每一筆參考文獻的寫法是第一行一律靠左(flush left),超過一行時第二行以後均縮排(indent),畫線部分一律斜體(中文文獻建議粗黑體)。至於草稿、報告等繳交給編者審查的文章,用第一行靠左其餘縮排的格式(稱為hanging-indent),或第一行縮排其餘靠左的格式...
For each entry, indent all lines after the first line ½ inch from the left margin (“hanging indentation”). All lines should be double-spaced, including between references. APA In-text Citations In-text citations are brief references in your text that identify the source presented in ...
The reference list should be double spaced (both within and in between entries) with hanging indents used for the second and subsequent lines of each entry. A hanging indent is where the first line starts at the left margin and subsequent lines are indented (approx. 1.27 cm or five spaces)...
心理学学术论文写作规范——APA 6th简介
The APA reference page is a separate page at the end of your paper where all sources you cited in the main text are listed. The references are sorted alphabetically, double spaced, and formatted using a hanging indent of ½ inch. Use “References” as page heading and include a running ...