If the title is italicized in the reference entry, italicize it in the in-text citation. If the title uses quotation marks in the reference entry, use quotation marks in the in-text citation. For example: (Book of Magic, 1983) ("Magazine Article," 2020) Anonymous author: When an author...
Italicize book titles. Capitalize the second word in a compound hyphenated term in a title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. For subtitles, capitalize the first word of a subtitle, even if it is a short, minor word. For example, Queen of Scots: The True Life of Mary Stuart. Chi...
Capitalize only the first word of a bookor article title. Capitalize proper nouns, initials, and acronyms in a title. What is italicized in APA reference? Italicizetitles of longer works(e.g., books, edited collections, names of newspapers, and so on). Do not italicize, underline, or put...
You should also italicize the title of a book when you refer to it within the text of your paper. Unlike in your Reference List, however, the title of a book within the text should be in title case. That means you should capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle; all nouns...
Title of sheet music: Like a book title, italicize the title of the music. Additionally, in brackets [] after the title, include a description of the music. This could be [Sheet music], [Musical score], [Libretto], [Piano score], etc. Classical works: If a classical work has been ...
•Include:Titleofperiodical,volumenumber(issuenumber),pages.Ps:Capatalizethefirstletterofeachmajorword.(journalonly!)Italicizethetitleofjournal.Eg:…….TheNewCriterion,135,28-31 refertovolumenumberandissuenumber •Volumenumber(issuenumber),pages•Ps:①thevolumenumberisfollowedwiththeissuenumber.(顺序不...
article) or author, title, city of publication, publisher (for book). Italicize titles of books, periodicals (and periodical volume numbers) but not titles of articles. Capitalize the major words of periodical names but not the major words of titles of books or articles. ...
10、st two or three words of the works title (omitting any initial articles) as your text reference, capitalizing each word. Place the title in quotation marks if it refers to an article, chapter of a book, or Webpage. Italicize the title if it refers to a book, periodical, brochure,...
2016外院APA格式要求 预答辩已顺利完成,针对预答辩中反映出的突出问题,学科特在论文摘要和参考文献部分做如下规定,供2016届研究生修改论文之用:《摘要》部分的内容应包括以下四方面:1、基于。。。理论,研究。。。问题 2、采用。。。的研究方法 3、得出。。。的结论 4、研究的意义 参考文献部分 1)学术...