•An in-text citation gives your reader enough information to locate the full reference in your References page at the end of the essay.•The most common way to do an in-text citation is to include the source´s information in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period...
Page specified, author not mentioned in text:Include the author’s last name and the page number...
7.2In-textCitation Theparentheticalreferencesmaytakeoneofthefollowingforms:(1)Author’snameintext,andpagenumberin parentheses Tannenhasarguedthispoint(178-85).Others,likeJakobsonandWaugh(210-15),holdtheoppositepointofview.OnlyDaiches(2:776-7)hasseenthisrelation.Itmaybetrue,as...
in bold and centred. The reference list should contain full details of all the sources mentioned in your text, arranged alphabetically by surname of first author. List entries should be double-spaced (both within and between entries), and the first line of each reference is flush left with su...
An APA in-text citation may look similar to this: Author's Last name (Year) states that "direct quote" or paraphrase (page number). Parenthetical citations look like this: "Direct quote" or paraphrase (Author's Last name, Year, Page number). These types of APA citations always have th...
2. In-text citationsAPA style, page number are recommended (but optional) for paraphrasing, and required for direct quotations from sources with page numbers. When citing a website in APA, or other sources without page numbers, you can use paragraph numbers to mark the quote’s location ...
APA格式是社科领域中最常⽤引⽤格式之⼀,特点在于简洁和清晰 文内引用(In-text Citations)单...
APA in-text citations consist of the author’s last name, publication year, and when quoting, a page number: (Parker, 2020, p. 67)
1. 引用2个作者的文章A Work by Two Authors:Name both authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses.
For anAPA in-text citationfor a work with three or more authors/contributors, only write the first author’s name and then include the abbreviation “et al.” for the rest. For more information on the changes regardingwhen to use “et al.” in APA 7, check out this page. ...