Hanging indentfor all references: first line flush to the left, with subsequent lines indented by 0.5 inch (1.27cm). The works are listedalphabetically, usually by the author’s surname, but sometimes under a group author or by their title.If a group author or title of a work starts with...
HangingindentforaWorksCited(MLA)orReferences(APA)page. •Ifyouhaven’talreadyformattedyourdocument(Font,Margins,Spacing)seethe FormattingMSWord2007pdfdocument. •Ifyouhavealreadystartedtypingyourpaper,createanewpagebyholdingdowntheCtrl keyandhittingtheEnterkey.YoucanalsodothisfromtheInsertTab->PageBreak. ...
General Formatting: The reference page should be found at the end of the document, with "References" formatted as a section label. All entries should be double spaced, with a hanging indent (i.e. second and subsequent lines indented by 0.5 inches). The reference page entries should be ...
How do you indent references in APA? To create a hanging indent on the References page for APA: Highlight the References list. Under Home tab, click on the arrow by Paragraph. In the Indentation section, use the drop down under Special to choose Hanging. ...
A hanging indent is where the first line starts at the left margin and subsequent lines are indented (approx. 1.27 cm or five spaces). You can use your word processor to automatically format the double-spacing and hanging indents. Italics is the preferred format for titles of books, journals...
The references are sorted alphabetically, double spaced, and formatted using a hanging indent of ½ inch. Use “References” as page heading and include a running head with your paper title and page number. Table of contents APA reference page example Creating references in APA format Formatting...
Include the complete citation at the end of your paper in a references section. References are organized by the author's last name in alphabetic (A-Z) order. Use an hanging indent to separate each list item. Basic Format: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of the work...
For each entry, indent all lines after the first line ½ inch from the left margin (“hanging indentation”). All lines should be double-spaced, including between references. APA In-text Citations In-text citations are brief references in your text that identify the source presented in ...
APA Manuscript Sources to use for further APA Help American Psychological Association. (2003). Electronic references. Retrieved January 30, 2004 from http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html Harris, M. (2003). Prentice Hall reference guide to grammar and usage (5th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ:...
3. Double space between entries, single space within an entry. 4. APA style has hanging indents which means that for each reference you indent all lines ½ inch, other than the first line. Type all your references first, then format using the markers in the ruler bar. ...