The title page, also known as the cover page, is the first page of the document and includes the paper's title, the author's name, the institutional affiliation, and the running head. The title should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of the paper.It is recommend...
Example: Fagan, B. M., & Durrani, N. (2021).Archaeology: A brief introduction.Routledge. Three to twenty authors Structure: Last name, First initial. Middle initial., Last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year).Book title: Subtitle. Pub...
Capitalize the first letter for any proper nouns as well. Do not italicize the title or place it in quotation marks. End it with a period. Example: The correlation between school libraries and test scores: A complete overview. For web pages on websites: Same as above. The web page title...
Last name of the Author, First initial. Middle initial. APA Example: Doe, J. B. To see some examples, scroll down to the bottom half of this page. Citing a Source with2 Authors Does your source have two authors? Do not put the names in alphabetical order. They should be written in...
Example: Mark Twain (2016) suggested that it is important for all readers to read his entire book in one sitting in order to get the full experience of his writing.*Note that the author´s name is mentioned in the text, so the parenthetical citation only includes the publication date of...
Revista Comunicar [@Rev_comunicar] (n.d.).Home[Twitter page]. Twitter. 账号名称 [@用户名] (年、月、日).引用内容题目[Status update / Photo / Video]. 社交网络名字.http://bit.ly形式短链接 社交网络内容引用范例 ...
On this page, you can learn how to cite the following: Print book E-book Translated book Edited book Audiobook Book from a database Multi-volume work Multiple authors or no author If you’re trying to cite a book, the Chegg Writing APA citation generator can help. ...
For example: Last Name, F. M. (Director) Last Name, F. M. (Ed.) Last Name, F. M., & Williams, K. (Eds) No author: If the author of a work is unknown, move the title element to the author position (i.e. first in the entry). Only use "Anonymous" if this is noted for...
A title page is the first page of a paper that displays basic information like the author’s names, paper title, and the school or institution the authors are affiliated with. What are the 7 required items for an APA title page?