Citing an online dictionary (whole dictionary) Many online dictionaries do not have a published date or an indicated individual author. As such, here’s what you to do: If no individual author is indicated, the article/webpage publisher is both the author and publisher. ...
Citing Government Documents in APA Federal or state statute Structure: Name of Act, Public Law No. (Year). URL. Example: Americans with Disabilities Act, Publ. L. No. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327 (1990). ...
Dictionary entry Encyclopedia entry Audiovisual works Movie or documentary Podcast TED Talk TV show YouTube video Image PowerPoint Online media Tweet Webpage Other Personal communication Tables and figures Patent Speech Survey Interview Court case Source type Citing personal communications in APA Style Ci...
APA does not cover what to do if you are citing a classical compilation (which would have multiple original dates). It seems most sensible to leave the original date out in such instances, although you may want to leave a comment to the customer explaining why. ...
Citing a blog in APA APA Structure: Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day of posting). Title of post. Blog or Website name. URL APA Example: Chockrek, E. (2019, May 29). 7 summer activities that help boost your college applications.EasyBib.
When you are citing an electronic, online material, or a source that doesn’t have a page number, use the paragraph number where the information is found. The paragraph number is indicated by “para.”An online source cited like this would look like this: The APA style has shown a 25%...
Citing Basics In-Text Citations Overview When using a direct quote or paraphrasing information from a source, include an in-text or parenthetical citation into the body of your project, immediately following it. An APA in-text citation may look similar to this: Author's Last name (Year) stat...
Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018).Citingopensourceimagesandformattingreferencesforpresentations[PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU. Tweet(Section10.15) Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (2020, April 7).It’sWorldHealthDay,andweoweaprofounddebtofgratitudetoallourmedicalprofessionals....
For proper hyphenation of words, followMerriam-Websteror, for psychological terms, theAPA Dictionary of Psychology. Hyphenate fractions only when they are used as adjectives (e.g., “two thirds of the participants,” but “a two-thirds majority”). ...
If you are referring to information or a quote contained on a single page, add the page number after the author and date, preceded by “p.” If you are citing multiple pages, the page numbers should be preceded by “pp.” and separated by an en-dash. ...