Citing a Work with One Author (Paraphrasing or Summarizing)If the author’s name is NOT included in the sentence, use author´s last name and the year in the parenthetical citation.Example: Dickens despised the way in which dismissing truth and bending the rules allowed citizens in power to...
Citing an Author or Authors 1. 引用2个作者的文章A Work by Two Authors:Name both authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses. Research byWegener and Petty (...
第六位和最后一位著者之间用省略号(英文的3个点号)。 5 已被接受还未印刷出版的论文 张三, 李四. (印刷中). 中国心理学的过去与未来. 心理学报. 如果相同著者、相同时间的两篇或多篇论文都等待出版,则后面加a、b、c…来区分。如印刷中a,印刷中b。 英文用:in press。两篇或多篇相同著者和相同出版时间,...
Multiple works with 3+ authors that shorten to the same form (i.e., same first author(s) and date).Include as many names as needed to distinguish the citations.(Cooper, Lee, et al., 2015) (Cooper, Ross, et al., 2015) Citing indirect sources (“as cited in”) ...
In-Text Citations: Author/Authors APA style has a series of important rules on using author names as part of the author-date system. In this section, we will go over the rules dealing primarily with author names and publication dates. Citing an Author or Authors A basic citation will alway...
Step 2: Choose either a manual or automatic citation system for your in-text and automatic APA Bibliography generator. Step 3: Choose between print book, website digital source, magazine, newspaper article, journal citing, image, PDF, or even Youtube. Step 4: Enter your article’s title...
Citing Basics In-Text Citations Overview When using a direct quote or paraphrasing information from a source, include an in-text or parenthetical citation into the body of your project, immediately following it. An APA in-text citation may look similar to this: Author's Last name (Year) stat...
In-text citations when there are multiple authors APA 7th ed. uses the author-date citation system for citing references in text. Unless you areciting a source with no author in APA, the structure in parenthetical citations includes placing the author’s last name/surname, followed by a comm...
A. In-text Citation: Citing by Author and Date 1. One Work by One Author Rogers (1994) compared reaction times…or In a recent study of reaction times (Rogers, 1994)…2. One Work by Multiple Authors When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time you refer to the ...