Authors 所有作者的全名(按照“名字—中间名—姓氏“的顺序)。两个人用and连接(e.g., Ainsley E. Baum and Lucy K. Reid);三人或以上用逗号,最后一人名字前加and,注意对有后缀的名字,不要用逗号,而是用空格隔开(e.g., Riley S. Rodrigo, Dev M. Kumar, and Aidan T. Zhang)。 Affliction 归属 包括...
(1)All lines after thefirst line of each entry in thereference list shouldhave one-half-inch hanging indentation fromthe left margin. (2)Authors’names are inverted (last name first). If the work has more than seven authors, list the first six authors and then useellipses after the sixth...
2 References:Magazinearticle authors.(dateofpublication).titleofarticle.titleofmagazine,pagenumbers.Foust,D.,Eidem,M.,&Bremner,B.(2004,February2).AFLAC:Itsducksarenotinarow.BusinessWeek,52-53.3 References:Articlefromanonlinenewspaper author.(dateofpublication).titleofarticle.tileofnewspaper.hyperlink No...
如果一篇文章的作者署名是匿名(anonymous),则默认此作者就叫做anonymous,按照正常格式写,并且在文后的reference写anonymous。 3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词或首字...
TWENTY ONE OR MORE AUTHORS Reference list All authors should be given when there are up to 20 authors. If a source has 21 or more authors, place three ellipsis points between the 19 th and final author name to indicate that some names have been omitted e.g. Jones, P., . . . Adams...
Following this pattern, multiple works from multiple authors can be contained within a single parenthetical. Separate authors' sources with a semicolon. Note, however, that the authors' names should be provided in the order they appear in the reference list regardless of when their sources were ...
Three to seven authors List by last names and initials, commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded by an ampersand(&). Hoeglan, D., Harnand, A., Chen, C. Q., Davidson, F., & Mosher-Straub, J. More than seven authors ...
如果一篇文章的作者署名是匿名(anonymous),则默认此作者就叫做anonymous,按照正常格式写,并且在文后的reference写anonymous。 3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词或首字...
APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,今天小海马就来介绍下他们的引用格式。 文中引用(in-text citation)格式 单个作者 对于作者,文中引用通常也有两种不同的方式,一个是括号内引用(Parenthetical Citation),另一个是叙述性引用(Narrative Citation...
apa-reference-listppt课件 系统标签: listpptapareferencearticlereferencesfatsis .1 References:References: BookwithoneauthorBookwithoneauthor author.(dateofpublication),state: publisher. Gould,S.J.(1981).Themismeasureofman.NewYork, NY:Norton. Thelastname(surname/familyname)comesbeforethe firs...