AP5130DN AP5000 Series Access Points Indoor medium-density multi-service APs used in coverage scenarios with a high density of users, middle concurrency, and simple room structure. Загружаемыйпакетдокументациипопродукту(1) ...
AP5000 Series Access Points AP5010DN-AGN AP5010DN-AGN-FAT AP5010SN-GN AP5010SN-GN-FAT AP5030DN AP5030DN-C AP5030DN-FAT AP5030DN-S AP5030DN-S-FAT AP5050DN-S AP5130DN AP5130DN-FAT AP5510-W-GP Indoor medium-density multi-service APs used in coverage scenarios with a high density ...
Aprendizaje y soporte de tecnología Socios Cómo comprar Acerca de Huawei Buscar AP5130DN AP5000 Series Access Points Indoor medium-density multi-service APs used in coverage scenarios with a high density of users, middle concurrency, and simple room structure. ...
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AP5130DN AP5000 Series Access Points Indoor medium-density multi-service APs used in coverage scenarios with a high density of users, middle concurrency, and simple room structure.
威创Digicom AP5000 Digicom AP5000(以下简称:AP5000)是VTRON公司全新推出的高性能 “全能型”多屏处理器,采用第二代PCI Express无阻塞数字总线统一交换架构,轻松驱动28屏超高分辨率桌面显示,支持各种类型的信号接入。系统配备热冗余电源、风扇和硬盘。是一款功能齐全、具备极高可靠性的综合型多屏处理器,适用于应急指挥...
Panel PC 2100 (AP5000)摇臂,多点触控 性能紧凑 操作系统 全面通信 Panel PC 2100集成了所有重要的接口,包括2x Gigabit Ethernet以及1x USB 2.0和1x USB 3.0。还可以添加接口模块以利于现场总线技术如POWERLINK和CAN。对于数据存储,基于MLC的CFast卡可以存储多达256 GB或更多。
AP5000 Series Access Points Indoor medium-density multi-service APs used in coverage scenarios with a high density of users, middle concurrency, and simple room structure. Seleccionar versiónTodoAP5000 V200R019AP5000 V200R010 OrdenarVersiónFecha de publicación...