If no security policy is configured during the creation of a security profile, the default authentication mode (open system authentication) is used. When a user searches for a wireless network, the user can connect to the wireless network without being authenticated. ...
When a WLAN is available for a user and the user starts to connect to the WLAN, the user actually connects to a virtual access point (VAP). A VAP is a functional entity on an AP. You can create different VAPs on an AP to provide wireless access services for different users so that ...
The user of the circuit-breaker must ensure that the 断路器的使用者们必须负责,使在各自的国家适用的安 installation, maintenance and relevant operating 全规则和关于在可能的事故时所采取的措施方面的说明 direc- tives to the appropriate activity, local safety 规定要随时可查阅,例如,可通过告示板等。
The user of the circuit-breaker must ensure that the 断路器的使用者们必须负责,使在各自的国家适用的安 installation, maintenance and relevant operating 全规则和关于在可能的事故时所采取的措施方面的说明 direc- tives to the appropriate activity, local safety 规定要随时可查阅,例如,可通过告示板等。
QIAGEN 9234760 Manual, user, hardware BR3000 int QIAGEN 9234735 Manual, user, hardware BR3000 US QIAGEN 9234703 Mikrowin data reduction software, upg. QIAGEN 9233721 Rack for Biovue Cards (holds 6 cards) QIAGEN 9233456 Ring, centring, pressure sensor ...
QIAGEN 9234735 Manual, user, hardware BR3000 US QIAGEN 9234703 Mikrowin data reduction software, upg. QIAGEN 9233721 Rack for Biovue Cards (holds 6 cards) QIAGEN 9233456 Ring, centring, pressure sensor QIAGEN 9019186 Cable - Pressure, PyroQ96MD ...
A microscope control device comprises a coarse focus control, a manual navigation control, and a fine focus control. The microscope control device also includes a clutch configured to alternatively activate one of the coarse focus control and manual navigation control. The fine focus control, coarse...