However, because MBD/MBE workflows are still in the early adoption phase, AP 203/214 continue to be popular for model geometry. AP203 and AP214 are withdrawn (ISO lifecycle stage 95.99) as International Standards. They were deprecated with the publication of AP242 in 2014. STEP users should ...
您会发现大多数 CAD 软件包都可以打开文件的所有三个版本,建议不要太担心这些差异,除非有特殊要求。但值得注意的是,AP203 不包含颜色,如果需要与3D模型交流颜色,请选择 AP214 或 AP242。IGES 格式 IGES(发音为“eye-jess”)格式,有时也称为 IGS,代表初始图形交换规范。 IGES 是一个较旧的规范,最后一...
就机械 CAD 而言,主要有以下三种 STEP 文件格式: STEP AP203:定义机械零件和装配体实体模型的几何、拓扑和配置管理数据。 AP203 不是 MBD 就绪格式。 STEP AP214:包括 STEP AP203 功能以及颜色、图层、GD&T 和设计意图。 AP214 不是 MBD 就绪格式。 STEP AP242:合并STEP 203 和STEP 214 以引入基于模型的...
但是你有没有发现step有两种格式,一个是step-AP214和AP203,那么这两者有什么细微的区别吗?这篇文章将用简单粗暴的方式告诉你两者的区别:STEP AP214和STEP AP203都是来自iso10303,有些说法AP203是给通用机械做的,AP214是给汽车行业做的,还有说法美国人用203的多,欧洲人用214的多。
AP是由美国College Board(也是SAT考试主办方)赞助和授权的高中先修性大学课程,全称Advanced Placement(简称AP)。 也就是说,AP课程相当于美国大学课程水平,比一般的高中课程更深入,优秀的大考成绩可以用来兑换大学学分,做到提前毕业。每年的8-10月报名...
STEP <> JT Translate your 3D CAD data between the STEP and JT visualization formats. STEP <> NX Translate your 3D CAD data between the STEP and NX formats.Why Theorem Solutions? Theorem Solutions is a totally independent company but with a strong and long standing business and technical ...
It makes a single standard for 3D engineering by combining STEP AP 214 and STEP AP 203. STEP AP242 includes all the features of AP 214 and AP 203. This makes it a more popular option among all the STEP file formats. It is a highly preferred STEP format for businesses. STEP AP 242 ...