Dietz K-J, Vogel MO and Viehhauser A (2010) AP2/EREBP transcription factors are part of gene regulatory networks and integrate metabolic, hormonal and environmental signals in stress acclimation and retrograde signalling. Protoplasma 245:3-14....
AP2/EREBP转录因子 1. The review is about structure character,function,interacting mode,genes regulation expression ofAP2/EREBP transcription factorsand its novel research. AP2/EREBP转录因子家族是一类在植物中特有的转录因子。 2) AP2 transcription factor ...
Keywords:AP2/EREBPfamily.T1.anscriptionfactor 转录因子(transcriptionfactors),又称反式作用因 子,是指能够与真核基因启动子区域中顺式作用元件 发生特异性相互作用的DNA结合蛋白,通过它们之 间以及与其它相关蛋白之间的相互作用,激活或抑制 转录起始,或者参与决定基因在何种组织与何种发育 ...
erebp转录水稻因子基因胁迫 i 摘要 适宜的环境条件能保证或促进植物正常的生长发育,而不适宜的或恶劣的环 境条件则会抑制植物的生长甚至使植物死亡。干旱、低温和高盐是目前影响农作 物的主要非生物限制因子,它对作物的危害通常表现为植物体内的水分平衡的变 化,又称水分胁迫或渗透胁迫。 DREB 转录因子即干旱应答元...
摘要: AP2/ERF转录因子也称为AP2/EREBP转录因子,广泛存在于植物中,其家族成员均含有由60个左右氨基酸组成的保守DNA结合域,即AP2/EREBP结合域。以往植物AP2/ERF转录因子研究主要集中于发育和生理调控领域,近年来AP2/ERF转录因子调控植物次生代谢产物合成方面引起关注。综述了AP2/ERF转录因子调控药用植物活性成分生物合...
水稻 AP2/EREBP 型转录因子 OsSub1C 在低温胁迫中 的功能研究[D]. 长春 :吉林大学 , 2019. Yang X. Functional analysis of AP2/EREBP transcription factor OsSub1C in rice(Oryza sativa L.)under low temperature stress[D]. Changchun :Jilin University, 2019. 2022,38(12) 悦曼芳等 :植物转录...
Accumulating evidence assigns a major and diversified role in environmental signal integration to the family of APETALA 2/ethylene response element binding protein (AP2/EREBP) transcription factors. Presently, the Plant Transcription Factor Database 3.0 assigns 147 gene loci to this family in ...
Gene structures, classification and expression models of the AP2/EREBP transcription factor family in rice. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2011, 52(2): 344-360. [16] ZHANG J, LIAO J Y, LING Q Q, XI Y, QIAN Y X. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling analysis of maize AP2/...
number of AP2/EREBP domain,they are included AP2 and EREBP sub-family which regulate development of plants and response to abiotic-stresses respectively.The review is about structure character,function,interacting mode,genes regulation expression of AP2/EREBP transcription factors and its novel ...