RG-AP130-X是锐捷网络针对当前主流智能建筑吊顶装修风格设计的一款嵌入式系列产品,是基于802.11ac协议的迷你型胖瘦一体化的无线接入点AP,适用于酒店客房、住宅、商场、办公建筑等场景。 RG-AP130-X采用双路双频设计,可支持同时工作在802.11a/n/ac和802.11b/g/n模式,2.4G和5G均可同时提供两条空间流接入,整机可提...
AP130-XXYG-13 数据手册 AP130 300mA LOW DROPOUT (LDO) LINEAR REGULATOR Features Description • • • • • • • • • • • • Input Voltage Range: 2.7V to 5.5V The AP130 is a 300mA, fixed output voltage, low dropout ...
AP130X 数据表 (HTML) - AMIC TechnologyAP130X 产品详情General DescriptionThe AP130 is an oversampling class-D power amplifier for stereo audio applications. It provides high power-efficiency for filterless 8-ohm load. Build-in depop, mute and gain control features simplify the applications....
I searched for the ap130x kernel module source code in the kernel tree: find kernel/ -name"ap130x*" This returned no results. Is the ap130x driver source code included in the i.MX Automotive BSP version 14.0.0_2.1.0? If yes, could you guide me ...
I am currently working with the i.MX Automotive BSP version 14.0.0_2.1.0 to build the Android platform for the evk_95_car2 target. While attempting to compile the project, I encountered a build failure related to the kernel module ap130x.ko. ...
AP130初步文档标题1W每声道立体声D类音频功率放大器修订历史版本号0.00.11W每声道立体声D,AP130X PDF技术资料1第1页,AP130XPDF资料信息,采购AP130X,就上51电子网。
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