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Alevel是英国全民中学课程,难度中等,英国教育体制和国内相比,具有很大的相似性,学生学习起来比较容易上手,另外 Alevel 没有必修课程,偏科的学生也有机会获得好成绩,进入好学校。 02 课程体系 IB:非常复杂的 3 个核心课程,加 6 组学科组,来完成 IB。 AP : 是 1 年...
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目的观察黄葵胶囊配合西药治疗2型糖尿病合并早期糖尿病肾病(DN)的临床疗效。方法将62例DN患者随机分为2组。对照组30例采取生活方式干预,优质低蛋白饮食,药物控制血糖、血压,治疗组32例加用黄葵胶囊,每次5粒,每日3次口服。2组均8周为1个疗程,1个疗程后观察2组治疗前后24 h尿微量白蛋白排泄率(UAER)、24 h尿...
In order to reach the aim of this research, potential relationships between compression and recompression indices, initial void ratio, and Plasticity indices were investigated. All of the tests were conducted on clayey samples which had been prepared under isotropic pressure conditions which are ...
AP环境科学考试形式 The AP Environmental Science course is an interdisciplinary course that brings together elements from biology, geology, chemistry, geography, and other disciplines that have a bearing on environmental studies. The goal of the course is to teach the scientific principles, concepts, ...
(AP) — Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Monday put the National Guard on standby for a 48-hour period around Election Day and used her executive authority to activate a unified command of state troopers, sheriff’s deputies and Portland police to handle any protests. Portland has seen ne...