AP-3200T-PGE 相机尺寸: 44 mm x 44 mm x 84 mm 相机重量: 201 g 传感器类型: CMOS 芯片型号: IMX 265 像元尺寸: 3.45 μm 数据位深: 8 bit, 10 bit, 12 bit 分辨率: 2064 × 1544 帧率: 12 fps 彩色/黑白: Color 增益范围: Auto
The Apex AP-3200T-PGE is a 3-CMOS prism-based industrial R-G-B area scan camera delivering 3 x 3.2 megapixels at 12 frames/second. It provides better color fidelity and spatial resolution than traditional Bayer color cameras and is designed for color-critical imaging and inspection tasks in...
该相机可满足各行各业对机器视觉中颜色的高水准需求。采用的棱镜技术,将入射光分割成RGB三色成像,获得极其出色的色彩还原能力。 规格参数: 型号 大分辨率 像元尺寸 接口 帧速 镜头接口 AP-3200T-PGE 2064×1544×3CMOS 3.45μm GigE 55.6(T.B.D) C-Mount...