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Purpose: To protect domestic producers from a cheaper world price. To prevent domestic unemployment * International Trade and Quotas Identify the following: CS with no trade PS with no trade CS if we trade at world price (PW) PS if we trade at world price (PW) Amount we import at world...
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2. Master Math AP Statistics 特点: ①排版非常整洁简练。②注重对知识点的讲解,相对来说例子比第一本少很多,推荐自学能力比较强的学生使用。③简单的英文表述,容易理解。 3. Stats Modeling the World(Person, 5 Edition) 优点: 例子生动形象,难度适中。 缺点: ①例题与真题出入更大,里边的题目考察的知识点...