32 chapters in AP World History Study Guide and Exam Prep expand all | collapse all Ch 1. AP World History: Foundational Concepts 1. Early Civilizations | World History & Time Periods Lesson & Quiz Video Only Explore the earliest civilizations, from prehistory to the early modern era,...
11: Human Origins in Africa•1970’s: archeologist Mary Leakey found prehistoric footprints like that of modern humans in Tanzania (Eas..
Then you need to read this AP World History study guide.Instead of cramming every single name, date, and place into your head, learn how to study for theAP World History examso that you can learn the major ideas and feel ready for test day. We'll also go over some key strategies you...
The materials in this engaging course and study guide can help you prepare for and earn a high score on the AP World History: Modern Exam. Bite-sized lessons make studying quick and easy, and practice tests confirm your knowledge and readiness to succeed on the exam. ...
AP World History: Modern 1. Heimler’s History/ Crash Course: World History 网址: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_bOoi0e3L3SJ1xx5TZWHPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yocja_N5s1I&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9&index=1 还在为不知道如何应对世界历史的LEQ和DBQ而发愁吗?Heimler老师绝对能救...
- AP World History 世界史 和美国历史类似,学习主要靠教材和Course Description,可以用crash course和巴朗辅助。 - AP Biology 生物 Cambell教材中其实已经包涵了知识点总结,教辅使用因人而异。推荐巴朗,覆盖了绝大多数考点;习题和真题不像,可以作为巩固知识的练习但应以真题为准。普林斯顿不如巴朗全面,不太建议用。
1. Heimler’s History/ Crash Course: World History 网址: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_bOoi0e3L3SJ1xx5TZWHPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yocja_N5s1I&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9&index=1 还在为不知道如何...
)The Official SAT Subject Tests in U.S.History & World History Study Guide 这本书就是College Board官方出版的,专门给大家讲述美国历史和世界历史的准备方式的教材,这本书的最大卖点就是官方,里面的真题数量并不是特别多,但是好在能够给大家一个机会,看看真考的题目的难度到底是怎样的。 2American Pageant...
Our choice for an AP World History final review guide: Fiveable Fiveable’sStudy Guideis our pick for the best guide instructors can use when planning for their AP World History test review. Why We Chose It: AP World History study guides are written by knowledgeable instructors and educators ...