AP ® World History AP ® European History AP ® Government and Politics 24/7 AP Help Whatever the question, whenever the time. We’re here 24/7 and we’ll help you tweak the final touches of your AP Lit paper, or double check your math on your AP Chem lab report. Get AP...
然后关于AP选课建议的话,我的建议就是尽量不要考一些文科的课,就例如什么US History,Studio Art,World History,尽管有一些可以换分,但是如果比较偏的课,大学没有对应的课程,实际上就是不行。还有一些语言课要换分的要求非常高,比如Spanish language and Culture,还有是Art History,都是你要考五分,才会有比较合算...
我来自上海美国学校,高中期间拿了12门AP课程,有13个AP Score(我们学校micro 和macro是一门课)。分别是:(10年级)US History, (11年级)Econ, Psych, Environmental Science, Stats, Lang; (12年级)Bio, Calc AB, US Gov, World History, Human Geo, Lit。校内成绩除了Lit是A-以外其余AP课都是A。截至UCAS申...
But if you study correctly throughout the year,could be one of the few students who aces this test. Below arein order to be well prepared for the AP World History exam. Read through each one, apply them to your test prep, and you'll be well on your way to maximizing your score! A...
炫耀着5分 沾沾自喜 藤校配不上你 建议访校看看中戏 毕竟一切都是儿戏 生活全凭演技 嘲笑着失败者...
In 9th grade at my previous school, I took: 1st semester 2nd semester World History A A- Geometry A A+ Art Appreciation A+ A+ PE and Health A+ A+ Biology A A Freshman English A A Korean 4 A+ A+ Now for my sophomore year, I am having trouble choosing my classes. I think that...
The College Board has not released how many points students would need to score a particular scale score (1-5). Here is a compilation of scoring guideline changes to the 2020 AP Exams: AP History Exams: European History, US History, World History (modified DBQ rubric) History Exams will ...
Don't let this scare you away from the subject, though.Chemistry is truly fascinating once you break through the first couple layers of understanding. You'll learn so much about how the world works andwhyit works that way. If you take an introductory chemistry class beforehand and are prepar...
AP CALC BC As a sophomore, I am deciding whether to jump into AP CALC BC or the college credit plus program; CALC I&II. Now this summer, I am taking honors pre-CALC at the same community college so I hope I will be prepared. Should I take the AP class because it looks good ...
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