14856 1198 0 11 months ago ultimate-go/102 The Ultimate Go Study Guide 14797 537 125 2 days ago docker-slim/103 DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (fr...
Review, approval, and payment processing The final step includes the review and approval of the invoice. In case discrepancies are found during the three-way match, the AP process responsible can discuss the issue with the vendor so they can fulfill the missing items from the order. Otherwise,...
18825 1440 50 12 hours ago SpaceVim/3 A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc 18256 2779 321 5 years ago neural-style/4 Torch implementation of neural style algorithm 14479 3591 10 2 years ago openface/5 Face recognition with deep neural networks. 11602 765 1...
A dozen NFL teams have never experienced the ultimate prize in the sport of football. Gallery Credit: Scott Prather Buffalo Bills (Photo by Bryan M. Bennett/Getty Images) Buffalo Bills The Bills, who were established in 1960, have won two AFL titles, but no SuperBowls, despite appearing in...