History & Social Science 包括以下科目: AP Comparative Government and Politics AP European History AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Psychology AP United States Government and Politics AP United States H...
Physics C – Mechanics: 7.4 – Very Hard, but scores are often high Chemistry: 7.3 – Very Hard, especially if you’re self-studying Physics 1: 7.2 – Very Hard Physics 2: 6.5 – Quite Hard European History: 6.5 – Quite Hard...
最难的科目是AP United States History,其次AP World History,AP United States Government and Politics,AP Comparative Government and Politics和AP European History;主要是考核学生的分析总结能力。首先需要大量的阅读记诵作支撑,得对历史事实有大概的印象,才能总结出规律。另外考试的形式要求写大段文章分析历史事件,...
AP成绩查询网站:https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores 使用已有CollegeBoard 账号登录即可,如未注册过账号可新建账号登录。 查到分数的小伙伴 可以看看大数据 除此之外,目前还公布了13个学科五年来的各分数段分布,包括:English Language / Art History / World History / Computer Science A / English Literature...
AP世界历史:The 2017 AP World History scores: 5: 8.5%; 4: 20.1%; 3: 27%; 2: 29.5%; 1: 14:9%. AP世界历史今年的成绩是近十年来最高的,56%的学生获得3+分以上,对比2011年仅~49%。 AP欧洲历史:The 2017 AP European History scores: 5: 9.5%; 4: 18.8%; 3: 28.5%; 2: 31.4%; 1:...
iScore5™ AP World History is a test prep app to get students ready for the AP World History exam. The app created by EXPERT teachers for AP World History Students. The goal is simple: Help students maximize their scores on the AP exam in a FUN way. Everything is designed like a ...
AP World History used to cover ancient history, but it no longer does. The College Board made changes to the class in 2019 in response to teacher feedback and student test scores. The scope of the class, which used to stretch from the ancient world to today, presented many challenges for...
World History: Modern (12PM Local Time) To confirm test dates or to register, meet with the AP Coordinator at your high school or visitThe College Board. When do AP scores come out? 2021AP scoreswill mostly be released in mid-July 2021.We'll update this page when we have more score ...
iScore5™ AP World History is a test prep app to get students ready for the AP World History exam. The app created by EXPERT teachers for AP World History Students. The goal is simple: Help students maximize their scores on the AP exam in a FUN way. Everything is designed like a ...